If Swain drains enough health, he can re-cast the ability to cast Demonflare and end the ability on-demand. But if riot want to keep the mechanism, 2 ideas come to mind: killing a minion should have a of dropping a soul (not only cannons or support would be able to. I find this pretty dumb, because the only thing soul fragments affect is the damage of demonflare, at the end of the ult, not the health gain and lifedrain you immediately get upon activation. He needs like 50+ base health and 25 + on AA range. Swain should not need to have soul fragments to activate ult Currently, your ult will be greyed out if you have 0 soul fragments on you. Swain base HP is ridiculous low for a battle mage. When it ends, Swain casts Demonflare, dealing a lot of damage to any enemy nearby. So removing stacking mechanism and buffing base stats or Q would be the ideal. Upon casting, Swain enters his demon form, draining health from nearby enemies on-cast and slowly draining more health from nearby enemies across the extended duration. When it detonates on the first target while returning it also roots anything caught in the explosion. After reaching max range, it returns to Swain, dealing more damage and rooting the first enemy struck on the return path. E: NevermoveĪ demonic hand fires out, damaging enemies it passes through. Activating Ravenous grants Swain a Soul Fragment. Ravenous: Swain can click on immobilized enemy champions to pull them 290 units closer and deal a bit of damage to them. Swain opens a demon eye that deals damage and slows enemies. Enemies hit take more damage for each bolt they are struck by. Swain unleashes several bolts of eldritch power that pierce through enemies. With his rework I really feel like they captured that spirit of Swain. Swains ravens collect Soul Fragments that heal him and permanently increase his maximum health. A battle mage who controls combat with sustained damage and healing whilst dealing damage with a tactical feel. This heals him for 4-7 of his max HP and gives him 5 bonus HP permanently. Swain has been a champion whom I have long liked the idea of his playstyle, but never really felt like it worked the way Riot wanted it to. This is an excellent tool for zoning enemies, not just damaging them. If Swain gets close to these Soul Fragments, he absorbs them. Each champion caught also grants Swain a Soul Fragment. One of the key ways for Swain to get guaranteed Soul Fragments from his passive is landing his Nevermove at max range. Shadowy ravens scavenge nearby Soul Fragments, healing Swain for a portion of his maximum health. Flock: Enemy champions leave behind a Soul Fragment when they die. After a short delay, it damages, slows, and reveals enemies caught in the explosion. Ravenous: Swain can periodically right-click any nearby immobilized enemy champion to rip out a Soul Fragment, damaging and pulling them toward him. This ranged skillshot provides a lot of utility.